Wednesday, September 25, 2019

If Posion Gas Can Go, Why not Nukes By James Carroll Essay

If Posion Gas Can Go, Why not Nukes By James Carroll - Essay Example Same patterns prevail today and it is just as difficult to ban the use of nuclear weapons as it was in the past. In the third paragraph, the author says that people hold different opinions on whether chemical weapons should be banned or not. However, the contradiction is only apparent. Actually, no one would keep from using chemical weapons in a war. In the past, the chemical weapon has proved very powerful. Therefore many countries acquired it and used it as required. However, because of the massive destruction to life and property as a result of its use, people have started to consider banning chemical weapon. In the fourth paragraph, the author expresses that there has been peace for a while since the peoples concern about aborting the use of chemical weapons, and no or very little use of chemical weapons has been made. After the World War I, the movement to ban chemical weapon resumed. The poison gas was outlawed by the Geneva Convention. That was similar to banning chemical weapon. However, in the World War II, most countries used chemical weapon once again. In the fifth paragraph, the author highlights how the use of nuclear weapon widened considerably after the World War II. Technologically advanced countries began to possess their own bombs. The mushroom cloud became a real nightmare. Consequently, no one used chemical weapon anymore, as all proceeded to make nuclear weapon and the situation worsened further. The author puts forward an excellent example to explain why it is nearly impossible to abandon nuclear weapon today, just like it was to relinquish chemical weapon in the past. He has presented a lot of facts and statistics to make the whole argument valid through reliable data. The author has maintained a moderate tone throughout the article. He narrates a story in which he tried to present the chemical weapon as an example. With the passage of time, people

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